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Server Room

Scheduled Server Outage

Server Room

On Saturday, August 27 at 11pm MST, we will be performing a server upgrade. This upgrade is scheduled to be completed by 6am the next morning. During this time, all XOLogic services will be down, and your website(s) will not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

This upgrade will enhance load speed and performance on our servers. As a result, your website will load faster in high-traffic situations. 

Server Upgrade Summary:

Server Software Upgrade

This will allow our systems to better maintain peak performance during high volume tasks such as mass price updates, new product data uploads, sort mapping, etc.

Server Hardware Upgrade

This will increase overall server performance, improve processing speed and efficiency, and allow for future data growth.

Please report any issues to the technical support team by email at [email protected], live chat, or by phone at (844)934-3064.

Thank you for being a valued part of our XOLogic community.

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Scheduled Server Outage

On Saturday, August 27 at 11pm MST, we will be performing a server upgrade. This upgrade is scheduled to be completed by 6am the next morning. During this time, all XOLogic services will be down, and your website(s) will not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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