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How to Grow Your Business: The Secret to Scaling

The reason you’re not growing quickly may surprise you. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve spoken with other showroom owners and heard them say something like “I wish I could get my people to care.” 

As hard as it is for me to tell them this – this sentiment is usually a sign that the manager, owner, or supervisor is the problem. Owners care about their business because they are invested in making it successful. Employees don’t usually have a stake in the overall success of the company they work for – so the question then becomes: how can we, as showroom owners, share this passion for our business with the people we employ? 

The secret to scaling is giving ownership.

Turns out – there’s a really simple way to share your passion for your business and to get your employees to buy in and help it grow. This idea can seem so simple on the surface that you may be tempted to brush it off – if it was that easy you would have done it already, right? But if you’re willing to give it a real shot, I’m willing to bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the results. The secret to scaling is giving ownership.

Let me explain. Which scenario would you rather see for your showroom? 

  1. As the owner, you feel you’re solely responsible for growing your business. You spend your time creating directives and plans for growth that you hand down to your employees. You implement a way to track your efforts that takes extra time to manage. Some employees commit to the process, others feel micromanaged and unmotivated.
  2. As the owner, you recognize that all employees at your showroom play a part in growing your business, so you sit down with your team regularly and work together to find ways to grow your business. Your employees feel involved and empowered, and help to create and implement plans that will help the business grow.

People need to feel that they have a say, and that they can affect the outcome of their situation. When a person feels ownership over their situation, they are more likely to be motivated to find a way to make their goals happen. This is true in all parts of life, and it’s true in your showroom. 

Managers and owners that don’t listen, that shoot down ideas, or that keep information about the business “need-to-know,” can create a culture where employees feel like they’re just a warm body, there to fill a space and earn a paycheck. Managers that actively include their employees in finding ways to improve and grow the business create a culture where employees feel valued, and better yet, are invested in helping your business grow.

If you want your business to grow, you need to have everyone on board.

Giving ownership can be a hard thing for small business owners to learn – when you’re dependent on the success of your business, it can be scary to consider sharing the reins. When I say you need to “give ownership,” I’m not talking about handing out shares of your company or delegating important decision-making powers. I’m talking about giving ownership over the OUTCOME of your showroom’s success. It’s about giving your employees a chance to feel seen, make a difference, and (hopefully) find out that they care just as much about your business as you do. 

There’s no secret sauce to this because every company’s culture is a little different. But across the board, the secret to scaling is the same – If you want your business to grow, you need to have everyone on board.

Giving Ownership

Here’s a couple of tried-and-true tips for giving ownership that I’ve learned over the years.

Allow your people to come up with ideas 

When your employees come to you with ideas – that’s gold! Your employees interact with your business in ways that you might not, and might see things with a perspective you could benefit from considering. 

But don’t wait for your employees to come to you  – seek them out. Make it a habit. Force yourself, once a week, to go and ask your people for their thoughts, feedback, and suggestions. Ask questions like “How can we improve?” and “What could we be doing differently?”. Then listen. Hear them out and give it honest consideration – whether you take their suggestions or not.

Trust your employees

Don’t keep everything to yourself! Share details about your business with your employees. When your employees get to see the big picture – it’s a lot easier for them to buy in and feel ownership over the success of your business.

For example, I share profit and loss information with my employees! They celebrate with me when we do well, and we work together to improve things that aren’t working. 


That’s it – that’s the secret to growth. The secret to scaling isn’t working harder – pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and keeping your nose to the grindstone (although those aren’t bad ideas in moderation) will only get you so far. You need to work smarter. The secret to successfully growing your business is to share the load. Trust your team. Listen to your team. Get them involved and give your employees real ownership over the outcome. 

One person alone can build a very successful business, but if you’re ready to grow, it’s time to start building your team.


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